API - Changelog

In this post we list the entire changelog of the TestLodge API, from June 2014 (the earliest changelog update) to the present day.

Details of changes that have been made to the API have been included below.



12th September 2023

  • Test run case uploads - Change to allow file uploads from a URL.


28th August 2023

  • Test case uploads - Change to allow file uploads from a URL.


1st March 2023

  • Test case uploads - Resource created to allow test case uploads to be created, shown and deleted.


18th May 2022

  • Test run cases - New bulk update endpoint.


12th August 2021

  • Urls - Change to base url for all API calls.


8th May 2021

  • Authentication - Switch to using API keys.


15th July 2020

  • Run sections - Endpoints and ID's changing to run suites.


April 2020

  • Projects - Allow issue tracker credential id to be provided for when you are integrating with multiple issue trackers.


1st October 2018

  • Users - Users list endpoint added to the API.


5th August 2018

  • Test case creation - Added the ability to define the suite section the test case should be added to.


 17th November 2016

  • Project paginated list - Now returns 15 items per page instead of 10.
  • All other paginated lists - Now return 20 items per page instead of 10.


 8th September 2016

  • Suite sections - New resource added.
  • Test cases - Any new test cases created will be automatically assigned to the first suite section within a test suite. If a suite section doesn't exist, then one will be created. This will maintain backward comparability with all existing integrations.


 4th July 2016

Removal of the following parameter from test plans, requirement documents and test suite.

  • should_version - Always true now

Removal of the following parameter from a test suite.

  • should_update_runs - Always true now


15th January 2016

  • Uploads - Also now include document uploads.


15th October 2014

  • Test run case uploads - Resource created to allow test run uploads to be created, shown and deleted.


18th September 2014

  • Run sections - The introduction of a run section resource
  • Test run cases - The inclusion of the run_seciton_id within json response.


19th June 2014

  • Test run cases - Ability to request executed step images details to be included in the show action json response.


17th June 2014

  • Test suites - Ability to set 'should_update_runs' param added allowing you to decide if cases that are awaiting a result within your test runs should include changes that are made within a test suite.
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