Getting Started With TestLodge

Welcome to TestLodge! If you're new to our software then this tutorial will help you with all you need to know to get started.

TestLodge is a user-friendly, productive online test case management tool to manage your testing efforts in a simple, streamlined way.

It allows you to write and manage test plans and test cases, and execute test runs. TestLodge enhances the testing process by providing an easy way to organize, collaborate, and track progress of your tests.

Check out this short video tutorial for a quick overview of TestLodge:

We have a full set of more detailed tutorial videos on YouTube.

TestLodge Tutorial Guide

Getting up and running with TestLodge is easy. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how you can use TestLodge to improve your testing process.

Jump to Section

  1. Projects
  2. Test Plans
  3. Requirements
  4. Test suites & Cases
  5. Test runs
  6. Reporting


Creating a Project

Projects are where all of your test data lives (test plans, test cases, reports, etc). A TestLodge account can have multiple projects. Maybe you have different websites or products you test. Creating a project for each of these might make sense.

To create a new project, login to your TestLodge account and click New project.

project list

Once you create your project, you’ll be taken to the Overview section of that project. From here, it’s time to start creating your various test documents.

project dashboard


Creating a Test Plan

A test plan provides details on timelines, dependencies, resources, pass/fail criteria and more. It helps keep everyone on the same page around the testing project, similar to a “project plan”. TestLodge allows you to create a test plan from a template or create your own from scratch. The template provides ideas and inspiration for what you may want to include in your own test plan.

To create a new test plan, click the green Test Plan card, then click New test plan.

create test plan

If you’ve never written a test plan before, we recommend starting with our template. Otherwise, you can write a test plan from scratch using the “Blank” option.

Your test plan is a living, breathing document to help guide you and your team throughout the testing process. Sometimes plans change - TestLodge makes it easy to update your test plan document. For more information on creating test plans, read our guide on what a test plan is.


Creating Requirements

A requirement document is used to store your requirements and user stories. They can later be linked with your test cases, allowing you to verify the requirements as you conduct your tests.

Creating requirements is easy. Navigate to the Requirements tab and click New requirement document. Enter a Title for the requirement document.

create requirements document

Next, you can add individual requirements to your requirements documents.

Requirements help close the loop between development and testing. For more information on the importance of requirements, check out this blog article.


Creating Test Suites & Cases

Test cases are perhaps the most important artifacts in testing documentation. They are the step-by-step sequence of events that tell the tester how to test a given piece of functionality. You can think of test suites as the “folder” your test cases are stored in. In other words, test suites are a collection of test cases.

In TestLodge, a test suite is a prerequisite to creating a test case.

test suite and cases

The example above is a test suite for a basic contact form. The test suite is titled “Contact Form” - individual tests are created within the suite and can be grouped into sections. If you already have tests written, TestLodge allows you to import your existing test cases.

Now that we have a test suite created, we can start adding a collection of tests used to validate the contact form. As seen in the screenshot above, test cases can be grouped into ‘sections’. In this example, the test cases are grouped into sections labeled “Required Fields”, and “Data Storage/Submit”.

edit test case

Test cases can provide a tremendous amount of value to you and your team. For more information, please see our post on how to write test cases with an example.


Creating Test Runs

Once you finish writing your test cases and have a complete test suite, you can add the test suite to a test run - test runs are collections of one or more test suites. A test run is where testers verify each test case, mark them as pass/fail/skip, and record actual results vs. expected results.

Go to the Test Runs tab to create a test run. Here, you can assign the test run to a user, associate the test run with a test plan, and select with test suites to include. TestLodge also allows you to set ‘test configurations’. You can think of test configurations as different variations of the tests you need to run. So, maybe your tests need to be ran on iOS, Android, Mac OS, and Windows… you can have a test configuration for each of those tests without needing to recreate the entire test suite.

create test run

Once you create your test run, it’s time to run the tests!

executing tests

You (or the assigned tester) can “run” through each test case and record the results. TestLodge also expedites the bug reporting process by integration with popular bug tracking tools - from the test run page, you can automatically create bugs in your issue tracking tool.


Viewing Reports

In addition to helping you write, manage, and run your tests, TestLodge also helps you get a quick glance of your test results.


From creating your projects, to writing your tests and running reports, TestLodge is here to help make the lives of QA professionals a little bit easier.

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