Copying Content

Learn how to copy content - such as test plans, test cases and requirements - within TestLodge, with a list of options on how you can copy them.

TestLodge makes it easy to copy test plans, test cases, and requirements that you have already written. This comes in handy when you need to use them in another project or test suite.

Instead of rewriting or manually copying and pasting the content, we make it easy for you. Here are the options you have for copying content:

  • Copy into a new project as part of an existing test suite/plan/requirement
  • Copy into a new project as a new test suite/plan/requirement
  • Copy into the same project as part of an existing test suite/plan/requirement
  • Copy into the same project as a new test suite/plan/requirement

To copy content, click the Copy button from the 3-dot options menu when viewing the content type you need to copy.

Here’s an example of copying test cases.

copy link

Next, select which test case(s) you want to copy from the test suite, and select which project you want to copy the test cases to. You can then choose to copy the content into a new test suite, or an existing test suite.

copy options

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